Mobile Development

We display unique expertise in GPS/GIS solutions with Mobile Applications developed for various platforms including iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Palm web OS, Windows Mobile & J2ME, HTML5, Sencha Touch and phoneGap

GPS Solution

TrackMeLive is used for tracking a tracker group (single or multiple). This application has the ability to assign trackers to "Groups" and ability to have a unique Google Map for each group defined in the administration area. This application shows the location of each group on map. A GPS device is used for tracking the Group. One device is assigned to each group with unique property. And user can view all the groups location on the map.

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Web Apps

We offer fully customized web development service based on the client's requirements and their business goals. We make the right use of modern technologies like HTML5, PHP, ASP.Net, AJAX, Flash, Flex etc. and high quality of creativity.

Mobile Apps

We display unique expertise in GPS/GIS solutions with Mobile Applications developed for various platforms including iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Palm web OS, Windows Mobile & J2ME, HTML5, Sencha Touch and phoneGap SDK.

GPS Solutions

We display unique expertise in GPS solutions with mobile application as well as web and desktop based solution. we provide end to end soultion in personal tracking and fleet/vehicle tracking solutions with our real time vehicle tracking devices.

GIS Solutions

We have experience designing and implementing GIS solutions to enhance the business processes of our clients. we provide end to end GIS soulution using Google Map API, Bing Map API, OpenLayers SDK, MapServer and MapInfo based products.


Mobile Development, WebSite develpment, GPS & GIS solutions, BPO softwares, LAMP, CMS/CRM solutions

iPhone/iPad Application Development,Google Android/Tablet Application Development,Mobile Web - HTML5, Sencha Touch, PhoneGaps

Enterprise Mobility Services, Mobile Application Development, Mobile Application Development, Mobile Application Testing, Maintenance & Support